Wikileaks and 4chan vs. the NY Thymes and CNN: The competition for our democracy. (2 part series)
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth, we may not know it, but everyone sees themselves on the right side of America's culture wars. (Matt James -- Deviant Art). Part I: What is the alternative media, who loves it, and who loathes it? If you're even reading this segment, it's because we've arrived at a point where the American public is being pulled in a virtual tug of war for its attention. If you want to use a metaphor, a nerdy metaphor, media conglomerates are participating in the electoral process with the same attitude as comic book heroes and villains. Notice that a character like Logan AKA Wolverine must have his own personal nemesis, Victor Creed AKA Sabretooth. Well, everyone in this country today has a view of who their "superheroes" are, and who the "supervillains" are.The problem is that everyone's comic book universe is different. I often get into virtual screaming matches with people over not the topic at hand, but over which source i...