Doctor Nyet: Jill Stein's election recount campaign is laughably pathetic.
GREEN PARTY NOW ABOUT $$$? STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT DIFFERENT PEOPLE SHOWING UP! I "endorsed" Jill Stein prior to the election as the character candidate, the only one that people concerned about temperament could back without getting an eye roll from me. But this recount nonsense might change that. As of right now? Still infinitely preferable to Hillary! (Twitter) I didn't want to get into this because before the election I officially semi-endorsed Jill Stein as the most principled candidate in the race. That may no longer be true: She's calling for an official recount in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Pennsylvania in 2016. Hillary Clinton (blue) alienated all of coal country in the west and lost two heavily Luzerne, Northampton, and Erie counties entirely. (By Ali Zifan ) Pennsylvania in 2012, where Obama was able to even the score by being competitive in rural counties and even coal country. (By Inqvisitor) In Wisconsin , on...