
Showing posts from January, 2018

Quacking the Code Returns! (Part II) Krugman's plans for an 1850s immigration policy

The Nobel Prize winning economist is correct in saying that millions of Europeans immigrated in the 1800s, he just forgets to mention the flaws in that process. Famous American illustrator Thomas Nast depicted Irish immigration for what it was in the 19th century, including the violence towards police and street crime. (Getty Images) In the previous installment of this analysis of Paul Krugman's article calling Donald Trump, the Republicans, and their voters " Know Nothings ", we dealt with his deflection of the topic to attacking conservatives and like minded voters as uneducated dolts that cannot handle the intellectual rigours of a college education. The real issue of how a modern western state should modulate its incoming immigrant population was obfuscated by his obsession with attacking the opponents of unfettered influxes of the Third World poor. So in what way did Krugman compare the immigrant waves of today and the 19th century? He cited the major w...

Quacking the Code returns! Paul Krugman thinks we should relive the 19th Century of Immigration

While perusing the new column by the Quack Prince of Keynesians Paul Krugman today, I could only grin and shrug. It is truly a display of how low the quality of laureates is to the Nobel Prize of Economics that he has been reduced to comparing the current campaign to address the problems of illegal immigration and immigration policy in general to the "Know-Nothing Movement" of the mid-1800s in the United States. The implication here by the New York Times writer was that those of us that are watching the current rows over DACA, the RISE Act, the border wall, and the refugee travel ban and support a more controlled and needs based immigration policy are bigoted xenophobes that are unused to living and working with people from outside of our county, let alone a different country. He could not be more wrong. Krugman's article shows an intellectual snobbery and lack of self awareness that must be broken up into two parts. So first here are some of the ridiculously il...

Mr. Nehorai, I knew the cost, and would pay it again.

Don't assume that because we're both members of "the Tribe" that you know my motives. On December 7, Pop Chassid blogger and Torah Trumps Hate founder Elad Nehorai wrote a piece in The Forward proclaiming "My Fellow Pro-Israel Jews: You Got What You Wanted, But You Paid Too Much". In this piece, he parrots the classic tropes about Donald Trump being "in cahoots with the Russians", how he "demonizes Muslims", and how he has "done everything he can to destroy the rights of everyone but rich white Americans". This is ironic given that in Dave Chappelle 's latest Netflix special, the world famous black comic taunts the audience by saying "he (Trump) was looking out for me" while discussing his experience waiting in line at the polls last November in Central Ohio as the only black Hillary voter among a sea of Trump supporting hill-rods. And by himself, Chappelle was referring to the rich, and not only the white...

New Year, Old Lies as David serves the Clintonian Goliath

Bill Clinton's brilliant defense counsel David E. Kendall is still helping him bury the truth more than 20 years later. The Democratic Party, the Clinton family, and their sycophantic media machine keep saying that their scandals are in the past and they're looking to the future. So why do they rehash the same people to cover up their crimes when anyone asks about them? My VIDEO BELOW  I was amused yesterday to see under the Washington Post headline " Leave Robert Mueller Alone " the name David E. Kendall. It really takes a startling degree of self-denial, or if we're being truly up-front a lack of shame, to see this trial attorney now stand up for keeping the special counsel investigation in place. He does so by claiming that Mueller has been the target of a smear campaign perpetrated by Fox News, Donald Trump's Tweets and " in the shoe pounding of the Freedom Caucus at legislative hearings".  It is the willingness of the feeble-minded rea...