Quacking the Code Returns! (Part II) Krugman's plans for an 1850s immigration policy
The Nobel Prize winning economist is correct in saying that millions of Europeans immigrated in the 1800s, he just forgets to mention the flaws in that process. Famous American illustrator Thomas Nast depicted Irish immigration for what it was in the 19th century, including the violence towards police and street crime. (Getty Images) In the previous installment of this analysis of Paul Krugman's article calling Donald Trump, the Republicans, and their voters " Know Nothings ", we dealt with his deflection of the topic to attacking conservatives and like minded voters as uneducated dolts that cannot handle the intellectual rigours of a college education. The real issue of how a modern western state should modulate its incoming immigrant population was obfuscated by his obsession with attacking the opponents of unfettered influxes of the Third World poor. So in what way did Krugman compare the immigrant waves of today and the 19th century? He cited the major w...