Part IV: Selective indignation
Academic institutions' position on preaching genocidal ideology? Looks like it's A-OK!
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The latest People's Cult in the United States? Bob Avakian has been at it since the 70s. |
It seems bizarre that of all the things that would need logos, the ones where they seem to exude the most meaning are ideologies. Many religions are identified by outsiders through a symbol; fascism owes its name to fasces, a bundle of sticks symbolizing authority in Rome. National socialism "Nazism" adopted the swastika because Adolf Hitler recognized how effective the Hammer and Sickle had been in spreading the Bolshevik Revolution among the Russian peasantry.
If you have nothing good to say. . . then maybe say "Eat the rich".
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Americans have always had the choice to vote communist. Apparently we're not as dumb as everybody says. |
Yet today, notwithstanding the brutal crimes perpetrated by communist dictators, the relative success of market economies, and the colossal hardships that have been suffered by the peoples in communist states, groups that advocate or are sympathetic to communism have operated in the open in the USA for decades. Any claim about FBI persecution or the Red Scare would be valid if not for the fact that even during the McCarthy era the US government never outlawed the Communist Party (CPUSA). The irony is that since the rise of the communist world movement after the Russian Revolution, American communists as well as sympathizers have always extolled the virtues of the nations that chose communism including the USSR, China, and Cuba as a better alternative to American capitalism which they have always claimed is doomed to failure. All of this while rarely apologizing when their predictions have gone completely wrong. This dishonesty is not limited to the Maoist movements, but they seem to have a knack about it that the reformist (or "revisionist" groups as they would call them) can't seem to stomach anymore.
In fact unreconstructed Maoists regret nothing about the death tolls and sufferings that occurred in Ukraine, China, or even the widely documented killing fields of Cambodia. Can we learn from these events why it is that American communists get a pass from media and academics, whereas national socialism is just not accepted in the same forums? In 2014 Avakian's RCPUSA had a series of showings at its Revolution Books outlets. These were accompanied by not a hint of protest.
All time record for brutality
What has Maoism done across the world? Most casual observers are not aware of where Maoism had the greatest effect, besides the People's Republic of China. The following are the states where Maoist movements or tendencies rose to power or launched insurgencies and what ensued. This doesn't include Soviet puppet states that would technically fall under Stalinism.
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With the Hundred Flowers Campaign Mao suckered critics into revealing themselves. |
Countries where Maoists Ruled
- China -- Communist Party of China (1949-today). Mao initiated the Great Leap Forward, Hundred Flowers Campaign against journalists (1956), and the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). Tens of millions died from these campaigns of internal social upheaval, all in the name of fulfilling Chairman Mao's vision. With Mao's death China would discard most of his policies under a former lieutenant and victim Deng Xiaoping.
Albania -- Party of Labour of Albania (1946-92). Although it preceded Mao, the country's dictator Enver Hoxha was after his split with the Soviet Union the only communist ally of Chairman Mao. Hoxha broke with the Chinese after the abandonment of Maoism in the late 1970s and became the world's last communist leader to maintain loyalty to Stalin, Mao, and the unreformed radical wing of the communist movements. Albania only abandoned communist in the 1990s a few years after Hoxha's death.
- Cambodia -- Khmer Rouge regime (1975-79). Pol Pot and his movement emptied the capital Phnom Penh and precipitated the Cambodian Genocide which claimed the lives of 1.5-3 million people.The regime was only removed by a Vietnamese invasion.
- Nepal -- A long-term insurgency ended in 2009 and the Maoist leader known as Pushpa seized control. However, divisions in the party have allowed the movement to lose control to a more "moderate" communist party.
- DPR Korea (North Korea) (1945-today). Officialy the DPRK practices Juche, which is the official philosophy of state founder Kim Il Sung. However, in practice the governance of North Korea shows very few differences to that of Mao's China. It is amazing that there continues to be a state where communism is the official ideology, yet in practice the leadership is a monarchy.
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The Cambodian Genocide was ironically only stopped by the intervention of a fellow communist state, Vietnam. |
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Robert Mugabe's liberation of Zimbabwe has meant a new kind of racial oppression for both white Zimbabweans and non-Shona black Zimbabweans. |
- Zimbabwe (ZANU-PF, 1980-today) Some would say that Robert Mugabe's regime allowed capitalism to remain in Zimbabwe, but in all other respects his regime has adopted the repressive tactics of his sponsor during the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Bush War, communist China. From the his ethnic atrocity known as the Gukurahundi in the 1980s against the minority Ndebele that mirrors Mao's invasion of Tibet, to his appropriation of farms from white Zimbabweans, Mugabe's dictatorship has equaled the racism of white Rhodesia, if not surpassed it.
Maoist insurgencies with dates of conflict
- Malay states -- (Malaya Communist Party), 1948-60. Following the victory of communism in China, the MCP under Malayan Chinese communist Ching Peng initiated the Malayan Emergency against British Commonwealth forces and their indigenous Malayan allies. The insurgency failed largely because the majority Malay people had no attraction to the Chinese-led MCP.
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Just like with Mao, the CPdeP dedicated itself to Abimael Guzman, even calling its philosophy "Gonzalo Though" after his nom-de-guerre. |
- Peru -- (Communist Party of Peru, CPdeP) In the 1980s a Maoist group nicknamed the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) wreaked havoc on the countryside and paralyzed the country's infrastructure in a total war against the country's army and any citizens that opposed it. Its leader Chairman Gonzalo was arrested in 1992 and the insurgency has since simmered down. Estimates of the number of casualties from this war usually run around 70,000.
- Angola -- (Union for the Total Independence of Angola, UNITA) 1975-92 was only initially a communist group when China supported it against the rival pro-Soviet MPLA. In the resulting civil war estimates of civilian deaths top 500,000, although not all can be attributed to UNITA.
- India -- (Naxalites CPI(M)) 1967-today. The Naxalites are involved in a ruthless low-level insurgency across the eastern Indian peninsula against the federal government, army, and police. Victims estimated to be over 13,000.
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The Naxalites in India are the world's longest running Maoist insurgents. |
Patterns of behaviour
If past actions are the basis on which we evaluate systems and societies, then it is difficult to see why American communists like Bob Avakian continue to condemn the United States for all the world's ills while staying loyal to a philosophy that allows the most abusive and unscrupulous murderers to retain power for decades. Avakian, or BA as his followers call him, has been head of the Revolutionary Communist Party since its forming in 1975. Even in left-radical Indypendent's world the Maoist contradictions are so obvious that it is baffling how anyone but the most idiotic can fall for Avakian's rhetoric. As the online paper's correspondent Sam Dock correctly observes, Avakian called for a nationwide uprising if Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson would be acquitted, yet justifies the mass killings of Mao's China.
Two hateful philosophies, two standards of judgment
In conclusion, in this era when "hate speech" has become the buzz word for things that cause hurt feelings in people that are more "socially conscious", maybe they should focus on the hate actions of world communism, especially that of Maoism.
The communist worldview is just as hateful, cruel and repressive as fascism -- perhaps because the two are basically cousin philosophies where power is concentrated among the most ruthless and fanatical believers. This fact is denied or just plain ignored by communist sympathizers in the west such as the members of Rage Against the Machine, for example bassist Tim Commerford who also alleges that ISIS is also a western propaganda invention and does not really exist. RATM has never revealed any regrets for dedicating their song "Bombtrack" (see video) off of their Bulls on Parade album to Shining Path despite the widespread atrocities of that group. My question is, when are we going to hold a hateful group of talented musicians like RATM to the same set of standards that was applied to Phil Anselmo over a white power salute?
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