Huma's Balls and Chain

Since age 5 his headlines have been writing themselves

There are plenty of those who view the entrance of a public figure's FAMILY affairs into a political race as a distraction. My opinion has always been that it depends on the case, and really each one stands on its own. This afternoon I rejected the media's obsession with President Obama's daughter Malia's smoking marijuana. Although technically her own secret service detail had the grounds to report her for that activity, for some reason it didn't seem like something that I should care about. 

But for Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband ANTHONY WEINER, now there that's a case where it's not just a distraction. It is a throbbing, veiny, rigid distraction that just bulges out of someone's shorts. I don't care how frivolous it is that we're still talking about a dumb-ass who fucked up his congressional career by sexting multiple women, getting exposed, blaming it on hackers, and then getting exposed as a complete liar. I don't care that he then ran for mayor of the largest city in the United States, a media hornets net of over 10 million people, and got caught doing it AGAIN. And now WEINER has done it AGAIN. He got caught flirting with someone online, a catfish, and now he's trying to lie about it AGAIN.

I've spent the evening watching the documentary WEINER  as well as the documentary Her's to Lose about his rival in the NYC mayor's race, Christine Quinn, who is herself a loudmouthed commentator on CNN now three years later. I am fascinated that these two, along with the current failure of a mayor Bill de Blasio and the former "Republican" mayor Michael Bloomberg are ALL now backing Hillary Clinton.  

The fact is that the Clinton association with Abedin is a parallel with her own clusterfuck of a professional life. How, for chrissakes, can we ignore the parallels:

The offense

Clinton: Has husband who has been caught having illicit affairs and perpetrating sexual assaults and then lying about them or settling out of court.

Abedin/Weiner: Has husband who has been caught seeking illicit affairs using explicit photos and then lying about them.

The excuse

Clinton: Has a relationship with technology where she claims emails have been lost, accounts have been hacked, and information stolen.

Abedin/Weiner: Has claimed to have been hacked in the past while knowing full well that the material leaked was his own sent to someone else.

The reaction

Clinton: Has forgiven repeated indiscretions by her spouse even though they undermine her public persona as a symbol of female empowerment.

Abedin/Weiner: Same as above. 

Having Anthony Weiner in any way connected to the White House would be a bounty for jokesters that would go beyond the wishes of any journalist's prayer. 

So don't go playing the card of Huma Abedin as the tragic victim here: If she had any objection to the nonsense that constantly drags her into the public spotlight she should have dealt with this in 2011, 

Instead we have her attached at the hip to this complete clown, and she refuses to break free: Here's a sample of what Mrs. Abedin refuses to give up.


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