The GOP is drinking it's well-deserved poison hemlock, and we shouldn't feel sorry.

The news media is gnashing its teeth in glee as the Republican Party tears itself apart and then tries to sew itself back together over Donald Trump. I previously wrote two-part piece about the degeneration of the Democrats, and went pretty far in depth. I've also written a four-part piece on Marxism and Black America, and another series on Islamophobia. 


The Republican Party has fucked itself over in the worst way, and if there's one deserving victim from this joke of an electoral process it would be them, and if there's another one it would be the Democratic Party. I'm not saying it to my individual Republican friends necessarily, although maybe you should evaluate the reality of what I'm talking about. Your party leaders (not mine, sorry I have no party allegiance) have been a collection of impotent fools like Michael Medved that treat Ronald Reagan as if he was some saint, and ignore the fact that this is 2016 and some people don't know Ronald Reagan from Carl Sagan (sorry but the rhyme works).

YOU might care that YOUR party has something to save for 2020, but for all we care it can burn. Until Donald Trump there was virtually no GOP outreach to any minority communities of any type, but especially not to people living in urban areas, and I think you know what I mean. I don't think you were being "racist", you were just being stupid:

  • You're too stuck in your country club, prep school, LL Bean set and can't understand that there are people that believe in limited government that gone to public schools and shop at Marshalls. 
  • You wrote off the people of the inner cities as being committed Democrats, meaning you did not want to put in the effort to compete for their votes. What this means is that not only are you dumb and out of touch, but you're lazy and lack imagination.
  • You have conceded the real purpose of your group, a political party, which is to represent the belief in reversing oppressive taxation and government waste. . .
  • Why did you concede that purpose? Well, you have loaned your time and efforts to lobbyists in exchange for their funding, and have pledged yourselves to political dynasties like the Bushes. 

What the conservative and other voters want

  • Border security and controlled immigration that sets as a priority the acceptance of skilled professional and labour immigrants over non-skilled from nations that are friendly to the American people.
  • Income tax rates reduced for the middle class.
  • An end to crony capitalist bailouts, and a commitment to a free market.
  • The ripping up the Republican-Democrat backed NAFTA agreement and the negotiation of trade deals with the small consumer/employee in mind.
  • Law enforcement services at all levels that are accountable to the public and do not abuse the legal rights of people of any background. At the same time we want them to be free to investigate crimes without regard to political concerns.
  • And my personal number one priority: A voucher system of the public school system.
You've given none of this to us. Instead it's been decades of excuses. It didn't start with Paul Ryan, or with George Bush, or with John Boehner, or with Newt Gingrich. This is a 60 year pattern of claiming one policy and executing another, and frankly NOBODY'S WAITING ANY LONGER.


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