Doctor Nyet: Jill Stein's election recount campaign is laughably pathetic.


I "endorsed" Jill Stein prior to the election as the character
candidate, the only one that people concerned about temperament
could back without getting an eye roll from me. But this recount
nonsense might change that. As of right now? Still infinitely
preferable to Hillary! (Twitter)
I didn't want to get into this because before the election I officially semi-endorsed Jill Stein as the most principled candidate in the race. That may no longer be true: She's calling for an official recount in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
Pennsylvania in 2016. Hillary Clinton (blue)
alienated all of coal country in the west
and lost two heavily Luzerne, Northampton, and
Erie counties entirely. (By Ali Zifan )
Pennsylvania in 2012, where Obama
was able to even the score by
being competitive in rural
counties and even coal country.
(By Inqvisitor)
  • In Wisconsin, one of the reasons for Clinton's loss is crystal clear for even the dumbest moron to see; She had over 40,000 less votes in Milwaukee County than Obama. In 2016 about 435 thousand residents of the county voted total. In 2012? More than 490 thousand people. So what does she want, an audit of where those 55 thousand that didn't show up from last time went to that day? The Democratic Party relies on two counties in this state to deliver its booty: the heavily black urban Milwaukee County and Dane County where the University of Wisconsin-Madison is located. I claimed back on October 25 that low turnout in either one of these counties would doom Clinton in the Badger state. Well in Milwaukee County turnout dropped by a whopping 12%. In Dane County the turnout hardly changed, with 301 thousand turning out in 2012 and 302 thousand this year, both times with the Democrat earning 71% of the vote, with Donald Trump actually doing worse there than Mitt Romney. Hillary Clinton
  • Pennsylvania 1: the 2012 election included 5.75 million voters. In 2016 it was 5.95 million voters. So we have around 200 thousand people that showed up this year that maybe didn't show up in 2012. Stein herself had 28 thousand more votes this year in Pennsylvania than she did in 2012.
  • Pennsylvania 2: Notice also that in extremely liberal Allegheny Co. (Pittsburgh) 614 thousand people showed up in 2012. This year 640 thousand people voted there, so turnout actually went UP, and so did Hillary's margin there. She lost PA though because in many of the blue collar areas where OBAMA won, such as northwestern Erie county Trump triggered a major swing in votes. In rural counties that were already red, Clinton also performed worse than Obama did in 2012: Beaver County on the Ohio border went by a 58-38 margin to Trump this year. In 2012 Romney won it by a 52-46 margin out of roughly the same number of voters.So maybe Dr. Stein can concede that maybe Clinton LOST some voters?
  • In Michigan it was much the same story as in Wisconsin; in fact it follows virtually the same template. Wayne County with Metro Detroit is a largely black urban area that is comparable to Milwaukee. Ann Arbor and East Lansing are two major university towns, the homes of the U of Michigan and Michigan State respectively. In 2012 Obama won over 595 thousand votes in Wayne Co. for more than 73%. How did Hillary do? 517 thousand votes for less than 67% for a net loss of about 75 thousand votes. Not only did Clinton do worse than Obama, but Trump earned 228 thousand votes, that's 15 thousand more than Mitt Romney. Clinton actually did better in Washtenaw County where the U of Michigan is located, and she got more votes than Obama did in Ingham County where Michigan State is located. This upended a survey that Michigan State's political science professor Dr. Matt Grossman had predicted of a 47-28 Clinton landslide in the state just six days before election day. But what about Genesee County, where the beleaguered city of Flint sits? This once-proud industrial auto-making town went to Obama in a 63-35 route in 2012, or 128 thousand to 71 thousand. Hillary Clinton won the county in a 52-42 spread, earning 102 thousand votes compared to 81 thousand for Trump. To make matters worse, Clinton won only 8 total counties in Michigan as opposed to 16 by Obama.
Michigan 2012, showing Obama
winning 20 counties statewide. . .
(By Inqvisitor)
. . . This year Hillary Clinton
would win only 8 of these counties and by smaller 
margins in many of them.
(By Ali Zifan)
So what else does Dr. Stein want? The story isn't just how pathetically Clinton performed in rural white communities including her own "home" state of Arkansas where she was completely bulldozed far worse than any Democrat since Dukakis (by vote count) or McGovern (by vote share). As demonstrated above, Secretary Clinton performed poorly in three urban areas: Milwaukee, Detroit, and Flint, all of them contributing to her defeat in Wisconsin and Michigan.

DNC Punk'd?

Michigan State University's State of the State survey showed
Hillary Clinton holding a whopping 19% lead. They might
have something wrong with the water up there in East Lansing
that even alum Magic Johnson can't fix. What, too soon?
(Spartan Impact) 
The funniest theory holds that Stein doesn't care about overturning the election at all; she's just collecting donations that will just be pocketed by her Green Party organization. That would be a remarkable turn of events; the Democratic Party having had its donor class invest a mound of cash in a recount bid spearheaded by a third party candidate that they had smeared as an anti-vaxxer.

Let's not kid ourselves, there's plenty of things to attack Jill Stein for that are true such as her statement yesterday praising brutal dictator Fidel Castro in his death. The Dems instead chose something not only irrelevant, but untrue as Stein's opposition to vaccines had occurred during a juncture when they tended to contain higher doses of mercury than today. If nothing else the Democratic propaganda painted her as a far-left hippy wack-job, when in reality she did have some positions that were actually more well thought out and practical than the mainstream candidates. If this is some sort of ploy on her part to smack Hillary Clinton and her supporters in the face for that treatment, then I'm all for it. If she thinks this will change anything as far as the election itself, then maybe some of the praise I threw her way for her public grace and rhetorical ability will be offset by a startling disconnect from reality.


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