With left liberalism it's always the same D.R.I.L.L.
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When it comes to liberalism, it all works according to a D.R.I.L.L. |
Why is it that the liberal establishment continues to cling to the illusion that they are breaking down barriers and creating a better society? Unfortunately, those of us that interact with left liberals probably know at least one or two that have the following type of behaviour: They have a low self-awareness, and are convinced that if people just embraced their value system we would not live in a world as intolerant and unkind as they see it is. They try to project an image of being an enlightened person that has reached a higher state of consciousness, yet they must also demonstrate how distressed they are by current events and the state of society. What gives?
You may remember that in March former Democratic presidential candidate and Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton made a short video in which she instructed her base to follow a plan of action called R.I.P.E: Resist - Insist - Persist - Enlist. But those are really just four platitudes that mean largely the same thing: Follow our directives and obey our dogmas. Understandably, Clinton and her new non-profit "Onward Together", were using that type of meaningless drivel to help deflect attention from her personal and professional failures that led to her improbable defeat in November 2016 to Donald Trump. But the RIPE principle, whether the Clinton camp is conscious of it or not, has nothing to do with the real game plan. I call it D.R.I.L.L. It works like a drill tool because it is meant to penetrate the minds of a willing and docile audience, and it is drilled repeatedly and frequently in order to condition that audience to think passively and uncritically. What is D.R.I.L.L? It's quite simple:
Denigrate: Attack your opponents, whether ideological or even just rivals of the same viewpoint, and seek to undermine the very legitimacy of who they are by preying on their insecurities. Once they have been defamed, people will think superficially about them and tune out their rhetoric and you are ready to. . .
Example: This was used very effectively under the Obama Administration against Fox News, Glenn Beck, and more recently by mainstream media against Stephen Bannon. In the case of Mitt Romney in the 2012 election, journalists were quick to jump on his 47% comment and rather than analyze the context of the statement and the fact that it was leaked from a private gathering, the public internalized the message that he was out of touch.Contrast this to when similar tactics are used regarding the Project Veritas tapes ("selective editing) and the leaked audio of Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters "deplorables" and Bernie Sanders supporters "basement dwellers". In those instances the media mobilized to deflect the attention and rationalize the statements such as this ridiculous article from Snopes about the basement dwellers audio.
Reiterate: Once you have the story out try to flood the complicit media with it and promote it among like minded journos. This creates the illusion of a broad social consensus. Do not be fooled, in many cases the preponderance of condemnations is spread among journalists of like backgrounds and opinions, often members of the same school alumni networks.
Example: This is an obvious stage, because suddenly there seem to be dozens of articles dealing with the same topic. The #Gamergate controversy, where feminists Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian attacked the male gaming community as sexist and homophobic, overnight mushroomed due to the high ranking connections that these activists had. An even more defamatory story, Rolling Stone's "A Rape on Campus" from 2014, was soon proven to be an absolute hoax. Yet once the story had picked up steam with enraged feminists bellowing about "rape culture", many didn't care as they repeated the same panic-inducing rhetoric. Even after a retraction and a lawsuit by fraternity brothers, Rolling Stone has not suffered many real repercussions from this scandal.
Intimidate and Isolate: This occurs after there has been sufficient social panic created to focus a microscope on the target. He or she is then painted as someone with the views, actions, or image of a social pariah.
Example: Milo Yiannopoulos was isolated in such a way in February 2017 when it was alleged that he justified pedophilia. Despite Milo's clarifications and explanations that he had been talking about his own experiences being abused by a priest, he was immediately dropped by his publisher Simon and Schuster and the American Conservative Union's annual CPAC convention. Fortunately for him, his fandom had expanded to such a level that it quickly recovered. Many comparable figures never are able to make such a recovery or take years to do so, such as conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D'Souza (imprisoned for a campaign finance technicality) who continues to be attacked relentlessly by the media whenever his name surfaces in the news.
Legislate:The major sign that liberalism is now the norm, and therefore the establishment rather than a counterculture is the tendency by its proponents to seek "social justice" through legislation. The most zealous proponents of this tendency among liberals fit into the overlapping category of progressives, although not all liberals are progressive and vice versa. Ultimately, these laws if enacted have one of these goals in mind:
- Controlling human behaviour (transgender pronoun laws in Canada).
- Punishing opponents of their agenda (Venezuela's constitutional amendment labeling members of the opposition as "traitors to the homeland").
- Populist redistribution of wealth (California Gov. Jerry Brown's statement that raising the minimum wage doesn't make economic sense but it does make "social and moral" sense).
Litigate/Liquidate: When all else fails and a liberal policy or candidate gets rejected at the polls or otherwise, their support section of attorneys goes into overdrive. While the media attempts to portray the voters or citizens as intolerant and primitive, suits are filed that attempt to de-legitimize whatever verdict was rendered by them. When courts have rejected whatever law or measure has been reached, the media will attempt to smear justice system, while politicians will campaign to appoint activist judges.
- Bush v. Gore (2000) when Democrats attempted to invalidate the Florida presidential election decision.
- Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and other laws passed both by legislatures and referendums. Despite California's Prop.8 passing by a 55-45 split in 2008 limiting marriage to a man and a woman, after a prolonged hostile campaign gay rights activists and lobbyists forced gay marriage to be legalized in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
- Despite the victory of 2nd Amendment advocates in DC v. Heller, the Democratic Party continues to push for "common sense gun control".
This is the playbook for the liberal establishment, and they're not going to stop. There is no compromise with them, as for every situation where they get only a partial victory they move on to the next stage on the D.R.I.L.L. protocol
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