The Alabama Race was all about #BlackWomen and #DaHWhiteMan?

Let's be clear, even though I've shared this over and over again: I was not a Roy Moore supporter, I don't live in Alabama anyway, and I'm not proclaiming him to be innocent but rather innocent until proven guilty. I also think that he was out of his mind with many of his campaign statements, his handling of his media appearances was incompetent to a fault, and he failed to promote his message beyond his traditional support base of hardcore conservative Christians. In short, Roy Moore deserved to lose, and that's leaving aside the ridiculous smear campaign that was waged against him based on allegations that were 40 years old that ironically surfaced a month within a special election caused by a vacancy due to a presidential appointment.

Yet last night, instead of acknowledging that Roy Moore's personal vulnerabilities torpedoed his campaign, Twitter users started attributing his defeat to a certain sector of the population that they call #BlackWomen. Case in point, DNC chair Tom Perez:

Here is CNN commentator, gay rights activist, and Columbia U faculty Keith Boykin:
That's odd? Not only does this man attack "Da HWhite Man", but also women. Now, I don't see how this is in any way relevant to a race where two HWhite men ran. After all, let's take a look at the photos of those candidates.
Image result for Jones moore images

Now those are some pretty HWhite guys. Also weighing in is noted TYT contributor and erstwhile HWhite man Shaun King:

I wonder where Shaun King is on the HWhite supremacist spectrum given that he takes money from The Young Turks and the New York Daily News and from clueless donors to his defunct social activism platform "Justice Together".

So I'll use my remaining time right now to tell you what according to the media and all of these friggin' geniuses was NOT the subject of the race:

  • The future of American healthcare.
  • Reform of American drug laws.
  • Addressing the power and wealth of the American military industrial complex.
  • Promoting reconciliation between the races.
  • Helping eliminate the national debt.
  • Attracting more jobs to Alabama.
  • The Mueller probe and who will be sitting in on the hearings.
  • Whether suspects are presumed innocent before standing trial for an allegation.
Maybe I'm wrong and they did think those things were issues, but I'd like to know why they spent the hours after the election only talking about #BlackWomen and #DaHWhiteMan.


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