
Showing posts from March, 2017


Even if you dislike Donald Trump's policies, maybe it would do some good to acknowledge that perhaps the reason he's smirking is because he's a couple steps ahead in his plan (Velocify). Those of you that think that this defeat on the ridiculous Trumpcare/Ryancare bill is a loss for Donald Trump should think again. Everything that's happening on the surface is superficial nonsense. Note these facts: By trotting Paul Ryan out to support the bill and become even more wrapped in the stakes of its success, Trump has succeeded in having the failure attributed to the House Speaker among both his conservative supporters and the libertarians of the bill. Those smart enough to know the difference should still attribute the blame to Trump as much as Ryan, but strategically it was a bold move. I am coming to believe that his days are numbered as speaker. Trump's stunt of telling viewers to watch Jeanine Pirro the day she called for Ryan's resignation shows ...

Rules for Strategic Arguments (Pilot)

HOW TO WIN THE OPEN BORDERS ARGUMENT EVEN AGAINST EMOTIONAL PEOPLE The Trail of Tears was a horrible crime perpetrated by the US government under Pres. Andrew Jackson, but it's also the worst example to use in order to justify open borders. In fact it's the best reason to treat that idea as the idiotic pipe dream that it is. (Pinterest) Last week I had a long and heated exchange with an impassioned young Navajo lady concerning open borders. She was making a superficially plausible argument that like US-born Native Americans people from Mexico are descendants of the First Nations, and that the REAL "illegal aliens" were white Americans that came here uninvited and stole their land. Let me make one thing clear: I support returning more sovereignty to the Indian reservations. The current arrangement deprives them of real actionable political clout. I've also supported campaigns against Indian mascots (although not court cases) as well as th...

Demolished, Nuked, and Crushed, the Dems headed to oblivion

After an unnecessarily long primary process, the DNC selected a chair last week.  Rather than resolve the party's turmoil the compromise  between DNC Chair race winner Tom Perez and Rep. Keith Ellison may have led to even more turmoil. (Oklahoma Democrats) To begin with the race was mostly a farce and was largely between the open establishment candidate Tom Perez, former Obama Labour Secretary, vs. Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.), a radical left so-called alternative, more known for his Muslim faith than for the fact that otherwise his views largely overlap with Perez's.  They had a process that was as self-punishing as one Mao's party meetings, and with the transparency of a Goldman Sachs meeting. The process included a collection of pathetic ne'er-do-wells: Jehmu Greene  - a former Clinton/Gore campaign worker, Rock the Vote president, and North Carolina Dem operative, Greene would pretty much be Donna Brazile 2.0. Why do I say that? It's...